As a member of the Fair Trade Federation, Global Goods Partners works exclusively with artisan organizations that operate according to fair trade principles. Each of the more than 30 artisan organizations we work with commit to operating safe and healthy workplaces, promoting environmental sustainability, and paying each artisan a fair living wage. In turn, Global Goods Partners advances working capital with an upfront payment of 50% and pays the balance when the order is delivered. In some circumstances, especially in conflict regions, Global Goods Partners pays 100% upfront.
What is fair trade?
Fair trade is an approach to business and to development based on dialogue, transparency, and respect that seeks to create greater equity in the international trading system. Fair trade businesses partner with farmers and craftspeople in developing countries who are often socially and economically marginalized, to find markets and customers for their goods.
Why focus on fair trade and economic empowerment?
Economics, education, health, and gender equality are all interrelated. Economically empowered women lead to healthier and better-educated children and communities. Improved health produces more effective schooling and a more productive workforce. Better educational opportunities create higher-paying jobs and a more open and just society.
What is the fair trade certification process for handcrafted products?
Given the individuality of each type of craft and the range of raw materials and tools needed for production, certification for handcrafted products is not a feasible prospect at this time. Global Goods Partners is a member of the Fair Trade Federation, which is a strict peer-reviewed federation of organizations that adhere to fair trade practices. A majority of the artisan organizations we partner with are members of the World Fair Trade Organization.
The Fair Trade Federation identifies the following nine principles for fair trade organizations to uphold:
- Create Social and Economic Opportunities
- Build Capacity and Support Independence
- Support Empowering Working Conditions
- Promote Fair Trade
- Pay Promptly and Fairly
- Ensure the Rights of Children
- Develop Accountable Relationships
- Cultivate Environmental Stewardship
- Respect Cultural Identity
We work with all of our partners to determine fair living wage standards in their communities and to ensure that their operations conform to fair trade practices. We communicate with multiple individuals in each artisan group so that checks and balances are inherently built into the process. Periodic visits by Global Goods Partners staff and input from trusted colleagues who reside in the countries where we work also contribute to our information gathering and monitoring process.
What makes Global Goods Partners different from others retailers selling fair trade handicrafts?
We differ from other retailers in four key areas:
1) We work with small artisan communities. Producer groups with greater capacities can often find access to a variety of markets. We are committed to working with marginalized and largely rural groups with small production capacities that are often just starting to bring product to market.
2) We are a nonprofit social enterprise, dedicating all proceeds from the sale of products to supporting our community-based partners. We work closely with our partners, providing capacity-building grants and technical assistance in their production processes, organizational operations, and social change agendas.
3) For each of our artisan partners, community development is a key facet of their work. Income generation is a critical issue, but is often more successful if funds and efforts are also invested in community building programs such as access to education, health services, child-care, and the advancement of economic and social justice.
4) We share the stories of our artisans and their community organizations. Our website is dedicated to providing educational resources to consumers regarding the countries and communities in which Global Goods Partners products are made, the techniques of production used, and the lives of the women who create the products you purchase.
How does Global Goods Partners identify its artisan partners?
Global Goods Partners' founders, Joan Shifrin and Catherine Shimony, are veterans of the international development world. Through their previous work experience, Joan and Catherine identified a handful of artisan partners when Global Goods Partners first launched in 2006. Since then, through travel, outreach to professional networks and the advent of nearly universal Internet access, we have met artisans whose work we love and admire.
As a nonprofit organization, however, our impact is greatest when we devote our expertise and resources to supporting and promoting artisan organizations that are relatively young and seeking to expand beyond their local market. Global Goods Partner's priority is to find strong women-led community groups with quality handmade products that have the potential to be marketed successfully in international markets.
Our artisan partners are community based organizations, social enterprises, and artisan cooperatives that combine the production and sale of handcrafted items with local development programs to improve the economic well being and quality of life in their communities
Why focus on women?
Globally, women and children suffer disproportionately from economic, environmental, political, and social hardships. When women receive the tools to learn a craft, manage their finances, or start and run a business, they gain experience, confidence, practical skills, and economic independence. These skills and experiences enable women to move beyond achieving simple economic improvements to making a real positive impact on the well being of their families and their communities.
Where else can I find your products?
In addition to shopping online, our products are also available in retail stores across the US and abroad. We also wholesale our products, and you can learn more about that here.
What percentage of my purchase goes to the artisan?
As a mission based organization, all of our work is directed toward strengthening the capacity of our community-based partners and helping them expand income opportunities to more and more women artisans. Beyond fair wages and the cost of materials, additional factors that are built into the price of our products include: international shipping and customs, warehousing, photography, design and product development, and website enhancements and other promotional efforts to better showcase our artisan partners’ work.
How and when are artisans paid?
In strict adherence to fair trade principles, we pay our artisan partners 50% of the product cost when we place an order so that they can purchase the materials they need for production and pay artisan wages on a timely basis. The balance is paid when we receive delivery of the order. Global Goods Partners assumes the cost of all inventory that doesn't sell; all artisans are paid for their work regardless of whether a product sells.
How can I learn about the impact of my purchase?
Our website is packed with information about our community partners, the unique challenges they face, the techniques they employ in their craft, and the ideas behind socially responsible shopping. Visit Our Story and Meet the Makers for additional information.
How can I support GGP’s partners without making a purchase?
We appreciate your interest in supporting our work. The quickest and easiest way is to make a donation through our secure website.
If you'd prefer to make a donation by mail, please send it to Global Goods Partners, 2530 21st Ave, Astoria, NY. 11105.
All gifts of support are directed toward helping our partners expand their capacity and secure income-generating jobs for women artisans in their communities.