Global Fair Trade Sales Rise, Swedes Reign Victorious
According to The Fair Trade Foundation, worldwide sales of fair trade products grew an impressive 22% in 2008--despite the global economic crisis. This is an exciting number considering the wide scale destabilization the recession has caused in the developing world. As Harriet Lamb, Executive Director of the Fair Trade Foundaton points out (and we whole-heartedly agree):
“In the current global economic climate, farmers need Fairtrade more than ever. So it is profoundly reassuring to know that globally, consumers are still wholeheartedly backing a better deal for farmers and workers around the world, enabling them to survive this crisis and continue investing in stronger businesses and a better life for their communities.”
The only bad news? Sweden totally kicked our cheeseburger loving butts. That’s right, Sweden’s FT growth rate reached an astonishing 75% last year, while the good ‘ol US of A pulled away with a measly 10% growth rate. Maybe this year we should take a lesson from the Swedes…
For the full report, click here.