Take Action: Craft for a Cause!
Craft for a Cause
An Evening of Inspiration, Solidarity and Craftsmanship
Global Goods Partners is teaming up with the ever-charming Etsy folks for a craft workshop in support of women artisans in the developing world. The event is sure to be educational, quirky and inspiring, so stop on by for a good time for a good cause.What: Participants will learn the art of African friendship bracelet weaving from The Yarn Tree's Linda LaBelle, and enjoy a presentation on Fair Trade women's artisan cooperatives in Asia, Africa and the Americas. Proceeds support women-led Fair Trade artisan cooperatives, funding much-needed health care, education, gender equality and income generation projects.
When: July 22, 2009 @ 7pm
Where: Etsy Labs, 325 Gold St, Brooklyn, NY map
How: $20 pre-registration*, $25 at the door
For more information or to RSVP, e-mail info@globalgoodspartners.org
*An e-mail RSVP qualifies as pre-registration, simply bring your payment the night of the event.
