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Global Goods Partners Blog

Fair Trade Back to School Accessories

It's August, meaning that school is officially on on the horizon. We want you to walk the hallways feeling confident, and what better way to feel good than to look good and do good? We've listed some of our favorite...

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Beachy Blues

By "blues" we definitely don't mean our mood. One of our favorite parts of summer is visiting the ocean, but unfortunately it's not always possible to get all the beach time we need. Some of our favorite products this season...

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Fair Trade Home Decor

Summer is new apartment season, especially in NYC. While all the viewing and signing and lifting (not to mention paying) is stressful, nothing beats having a new, clean space to decorate! Take a look at our favorite fair trade products...

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Fair Trade Music Festival Fashion

Soon it'll be every boho-chic sweetheart's favorite time of the year: music festival season! We loved seeing our favorite celebrities' style at Coachella, and we're already planning how to add some fair trade flair to our own outfits this summer!...

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#62milliongirls#ethicalgifts#fairtrade#fairtuesday#fashionforgood#giftsforher#giftsforhome#giftsforkids#giftsthatgiveback#hostessgifts20162016 lookbookaccessoriesaccessorizeaccessoryact of kindnessadditionadventureadventurerAdvocacyartartisanartisan madeartisan made giftsartisansartisans association of cambodiaartistryauthenticauthenticitybagbagsbehind the scenesBraceletsBracelets for ChangeCambodian silkcandlecandlescasualchoose artisancolorcolor blockcolor blockingcolor popcolorblockingcolorsCommunitycommunity developmentconscious consumercottoncotton wickdevelopmenteco fashioneco friendlyeco friendly fashioneco jewelryecofashionecofashion newsecofriendlyecogiftsEconomic DevelopmentEducationeducation braceletentrepreneurshipenvironmentenvironmentally consciousenvironmentally friendlyequal rightsequalityethical fashion newsethical giftethical giftsfair tradefair trade accessfair trade accessoriesfair trade fashionfair trade fashion newsfair trade flairfair trade funFair trade giftsfair trade gifts for gradsfair trade home goodsfair trade homegoodsfair trade jewelryfair trade movementfair trade newsfair wagefairtrade federationfairtradeflairFashionfashion for goodfashion weekfestival fashionGGPggp10thgiftgift guidegiftsgifts for gradsgifts for hergifts for teensgifts that give backgirls educationglitterglitter luggage tagglobal citizenglobal goalsGlobal Goods Partnersglobal goods partners fair tradeglobal healthglobalcitizenglobetrottergraduation giftgraduation giftsgreygrey silkgrey silk scarfhand made basketshand poured waxhand sewnhand stitchedhand-pouredhandicraftsHandmadeHandmade Craftshandmade wax luminaryhandwovenhomehome goodshomegoodshuman rightshuman slaveryhuman tradehuman traffickingjewelryjournaljournalsluggageluggage tagluggage tagsmenmen's travel productsmen's walletmetallicsnew york citynutrition braceletnycone of a kindootdpassionspastelpatternpay equitypoppop of colorpovertypoverty cyclepresentpresentsrecyclerecycledrecycled materialsrecycled tirerecycled tire walletrecycled tiresrefugeesScarfscarvesscented candlesexismshopshop the lookShoppingsilksilk scarfsilk scarvessilk tiesilk weaversslateslate greyslate grey silk scarfslow fashionslow fashion newssocial goodsocial justicesocially consciousStoriesstorystory behind the productStory of StuffSupportsustainabilitysustainablesustainable fashionsustainable fashion newstravel accessoriestravel pouchtravel productstrendsupcycleupcycledwomenWomen's empowermentwomensempowerment
Handmade Graduation Gifts

Handmade Graduation Gifts

We're nearing the last few days of April, and every May brings more than just flowers - they bring graduation ceremonies! Show your graduate how proud you are with artisan-made, fair trade gifts. We've put together a gift guide with...

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Fair Trade Gifts for Mother's Day

Make a difference in two lives this Mother's Day with gifts that give back! We've picked out some of our favorite new spring pieces that are perfect for all kinds of moms. Take a look below at some fair trade,...

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#62milliongirls#ethicalgifts#fairtrade#fashionforgoodact of kindnessAdvocacyartisanartisan madeartisansChild BridesChild Marriagechoose artisanCommunitycommunity developmentconscious consumerdonateeco fashioneco friendlyeco friendly fashionecofashionecofriendlyecogiftsEconomic DevelopmentEducationeducation braceletenvironmentenvironmentally consciousenvironmentally friendlyequal rightsethicalethical fashionethical fashion newsethical giftethical giftsfactoriesfairfair tradefair trade accessfair trade accessoriesfair trade fashionfair trade fashion newsfair trade flairfair trade funFair trade giftsfair trade jewelryfair trade movementfair trade newsfair wagefashion for goodgifts that give backglobal goalsGlobal Goods Partnershand sewnhand stitchedhandicraftsHandmadeHandmade Craftshandwovenhomehome goodshomegoodshosthost giftshostesshostess giftshosting giftshow it's madehuman rightshuman slaveryhuman tradehuman traffickinglabor traffickingliving wageliving wagesMillennium Development Goalsnew partnerpovertypoverty cycleprocess orientedprogressiveprositutionprosperityprotectResourcessex traffickingslaveryslow fashionslow fashion newssocial goodsocial justicesocially consciousStoriesstorystory behind the productStory of Stuffstring braceletstripestripedstripesstyleSupportSupporterssustainabilitysustainablesustainable fashionsustainable fashion newstoughtraffickingtrafficking in personstransparencytransparenttransparent supply chaintransparent supply chainswomenWomen's empowermentwomensempowerment
A Very Special Collaboration: The Dream Builders Project

A Very Special Collaboration: The Dream Builders Project

We at GGP are very proud to partner with some incredible organizations, producing goods and spreading important messages around the globe. One of our favorite partnerships is with The Dream Builders Project, a Los Angeles-based organization dedicated to fighting social...

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GGP Site Visits - Thailand and Cambodia, Part One

Jenn Wong, GGP’s in-house designer, just returned from Thailand and Cambodia where she met with several of our artisan partners and visited their work sites and shops. Below is Jenn’s report from Thailand. Stay tuned for her experiences in Cambodia!...

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#62milliongirls#ethicalgifts#fairtrade#fairtuesday#fashionforgood#giftsforher#giftsforhome#giftsforkids#giftsthatgiveback#hostessgifts20162016 lookbookacai seedsaccessoriesaccessorizeaccessoryact of kindnessadventureadventurerAdvocacyandesartisanartisan madeartisansartistryauthenticauthenticitybagbagsbeadbead necklacebeadedbeaded jewelrybeadsblock printblock print scarfbraceletBraceletsbrightcandlecandleschoose artisanclassicclothingcolorcolor blockcolor blockingcolor popcolorblockingcolorscommunity developmentconscious consumercoolcosmetic caseculturedevelopmentdurabledyedyeseco fashioneco friendlyeco friendly fashioneco jewelryecofashionecofashion newsecofriendlyecogiftsEconomic Developmentembroideryenvironmentenvironmentally consciousenvironmentally friendlyequal rightsethicalethical fashionethical fashion newsethical giftethical giftsEventsFacebookfair tradefair trade accessfair trade accessoriesfair trade fashionfair trade fashion newsfair trade flairfair trade funFair trade giftsfair trade home goodsfair trade homegoodsfair trade jewelryfair trade kids productsfair trade kids toysfair trade movementfair trade newsfair wagefairtradeflairfamilyfarmer's marketfashionfashion for goodfashion weekgender equalityget the lookGGPgiftgift for momgift guidegiftsgifts for hergifts for teensgifts that give backgirls educationglass beadsglobal citizenglobal goalsGlobal Goods Partnersglobal goods partners fair tradeglobal healthGlobal Women in Leadershipglobalcitizengoodsguatemalaguatemalanhand sewnhand stitchedhand-pouredHandbagshandicraftshandmadeHandmade Craftshandwovenhomehome goodshomegoodshosthost giftshostesshostess giftshosting giftshuman rightshuman slaveryhuman tradehuman traffickingindigenousinspirationInstagramInternInternshipjewelrylayerslightlong necklacelookbookmakeup bagmarket basketmetallicsnatural dyesNecklaceNecklacesnew york cityNew York Fashion Weeknycootdoutfitoutfit of the daypigpiggypillowpoppop of colorpovertypoverty cyclepresentpresentsprocess orientedprogressivepursepursesrainrainyrecyclerecycledrecycled materialsrefugeesrenovationResourcesreusablereusescarfscarvesseed necklacesshopshop the lookShoppingslow fashionslow fashion newssnappysocial goodsocial justicesocially consciousspringspring bagspring fashionspring rainspring scarfspring scarvesspring toteStoriesstylesustainabilitysustainablesustainable fashionsustainable fashion newstasselstextiletraffickingtrafficking in personstransparencytransparenttransparent supply chaintransparent supply chainstraveltravel accessoriestravel productstravelertrendstuesdayununited kingdomunited nationsUnited Nations Foundationunjust economic systemsupcycleupcycledvacationweaveweavingwomenwomen's conferenceWomen's empowermentwomensempowermentwovenwoven products
Shine Bright in Spring Showers

Shine Bright in Spring Showers

While thoughts of spring bring to mind flowers and sunshine, the sad truth is that spring starts with rain. It's easy to let the gloomy weather affect your mood, but luckily we have a secret weapon to help keep a...

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