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Global Goods Partners Blog

Our Summer Birthday Gift Guide!

Buying the perfect gift is never easy, huh? We've been put in the same situation every year where we have no idea what to get someone for his or her birthday. Well, we put together a little guide based on...

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World Refugee Day 2017

It's June 20th! Did you know it's World Refugee Day? Today, we celebrate the strength, bravery, and resilience of the 65.6 million refugees displaced worldwide: These men, women, and children who leave their homes and build themselves up again in a...

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Father's Day Gift Guide

Father's Day is upon us, and while we're all about championing the women of the world, we want to hand it to our dads, too. No need to feel the frustration of deciding between socks or ties for the father figures in our...

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Essential Spring Pieces

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Flowers are blooming and the warmth of the sun has awakened the soul from hibernation. Welcome this sweet season of love, light, and life, by adding essential spring pieces to your closet...

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Fair Trade Back to School Accessories

It's August, meaning that school is officially on on the horizon. We want you to walk the hallways feeling confident, and what better way to feel good than to look good and do good? We've listed some of our favorite...

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#62milliongirls#ethicalgifts#fairtrade#fairtuesday#fashionforgood#giftsforher#giftsforhome#giftsforkids#giftsthatgiveback#hostessgifts20162016 lookbookaccessoriesaccessorizeaccessoryact of kindnessadditionadventureadventurerAdvocacyartartisanartisan madeartisan made giftsartisansartisans association of cambodiaartistryauthenticauthenticitybagbagsbehind the scenesBraceletsBracelets for ChangeCambodian silkcandlecandlescasualchoose artisancolorcolor blockcolor blockingcolor popcolorblockingcolorsCommunitycommunity developmentconscious consumercottoncotton wickdevelopmenteco fashioneco friendlyeco friendly fashioneco jewelryecofashionecofashion newsecofriendlyecogiftsEconomic DevelopmentEducationeducation braceletentrepreneurshipenvironmentenvironmentally consciousenvironmentally friendlyequal rightsequalityethical fashion newsethical giftethical giftsfair tradefair trade accessfair trade accessoriesfair trade fashionfair trade fashion newsfair trade flairfair trade funFair trade giftsfair trade gifts for gradsfair trade home goodsfair trade homegoodsfair trade jewelryfair trade movementfair trade newsfair wagefairtrade federationfairtradeflairFashionfashion for goodfashion weekfestival fashionGGPggp10thgiftgift guidegiftsgifts for gradsgifts for hergifts for teensgifts that give backgirls educationglitterglitter luggage tagglobal citizenglobal goalsGlobal Goods Partnersglobal goods partners fair tradeglobal healthglobalcitizenglobetrottergraduation giftgraduation giftsgreygrey silkgrey silk scarfhand made basketshand poured waxhand sewnhand stitchedhand-pouredhandicraftsHandmadeHandmade Craftshandmade wax luminaryhandwovenhomehome goodshomegoodshuman rightshuman slaveryhuman tradehuman traffickingjewelryjournaljournalsluggageluggage tagluggage tagsmenmen's travel productsmen's walletmetallicsnew york citynutrition braceletnycone of a kindootdpassionspastelpatternpay equitypoppop of colorpovertypoverty cyclepresentpresentsrecyclerecycledrecycled materialsrecycled tirerecycled tire walletrecycled tiresrefugeesScarfscarvesscented candlesexismshopshop the lookShoppingsilksilk scarfsilk scarvessilk tiesilk weaversslateslate greyslate grey silk scarfslow fashionslow fashion newssocial goodsocial justicesocially consciousStoriesstorystory behind the productStory of StuffSupportsustainabilitysustainablesustainable fashionsustainable fashion newstravel accessoriestravel pouchtravel productstrendsupcycleupcycledwomenWomen's empowermentwomensempowerment
Handmade Graduation Gifts

Handmade Graduation Gifts

We're nearing the last few days of April, and every May brings more than just flowers - they bring graduation ceremonies! Show your graduate how proud you are with artisan-made, fair trade gifts. We've put together a gift guide with...

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#ethicalgifts#fairtrade#fashionforgood#giftsforher#giftsforhome#giftsforkids#giftsthatgivebackaccessoriesaccessorizeaccessoryact of kindnessadditionadventureadventurerApril 22artisanartisan madeartisansartistryauthenticauthenticitychoose artisanCommunitycommunity developmentconscious consumerEarth Dayeco fashioneco friendlyeco friendly fashioneco jewelryeco-buildingeco-friendly products from Africaecofashionecofashion newsecofriendlyecogiftsEconomic DevelopmentEducationenvironmentenvironmentally consciousenvironmentally friendlyequal rightsequalityethicalethical fashionethical fashion newsethical giftethical giftsethical mother's day giftsfair trade accessfair trade accessoriesfair trade fashionfair trade fashion newsfair trade flairfair trade funFair trade giftsfair trade home goodsfair trade homegoodsfair trade jewelryfair trade mother's day giftsfair trade movementfair trade newsfair trade phonefair wagefairtrade federationfairtradeflairFashionfashion for goodFriends Internationalgiftgift for momgift guidegiftsgifts for hergifts for teensgifts that give backgirls educationglitterglitter clutchglitter luggage tagglitter wallethome goodshomegoodshosthost giftshostesshostess giftshosting giftshuman rightshuman slaveryhuman tradehuman traffickingjewelleryjewelryjournaljournalsmothermother's dayMother's Day Giftsnycpovertypoverty cyclerecyclerecycledrecycled materialsrecycled newspaperrecycled newspaper walletrecycled newspapersrecycled tirerecycled tire walletrecycled tiresslow fashionslow fashion newssocial goodsocial justicesocially consciousspringspring bagspring fashionspring scarvesspring totestatementstory behind the productStory of StuffSupportSupporterssustainabilitysustainablesustainable fashionsustainable fashion newssweater weathertravel accessoriestravel pouchtravel productstrendsupcycleupcycledwomenWomen's empowermentwomensempowerment
Eco Friendly Products for Earth Day

Eco Friendly Products for Earth Day

April 22 marks Earth Day, a day dedicated to celebrating and giving back to the planet! There are many fantastic ways to celebrate Earth Day – plant a tree, go for a hike, volunteer to pick up litter, or our...

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GGP Site Visits - Thailand and Cambodia, Part One

Jenn Wong, GGP’s in-house designer, just returned from Thailand and Cambodia where she met with several of our artisan partners and visited their work sites and shops. Below is Jenn’s report from Thailand. Stay tuned for her experiences in Cambodia!...

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#62milliongirls#ethicalgifts#fairtuesday#fashionforgood#giftsforbaby#giftsforher#giftsforhome#giftsforkids#giftsthatgiveback#hostessgiftsaccessoriesaccessorizeaccessoryact of kindnessadventureadventurerAdvocacyalpacaalpaca winter productsalpaca woolbaby productsbeaded jewelrybouquetbowchoose artisancolorconscious consumercoolcottonculturecycles of povertydyedyeseco fashioneco friendlyeco friendly fashioneco jewelryecofashionecofashion newsecofriendlyecogiftsEconomic DevelopmentEducationenvironmentenvironmentally consciousenvironmentally friendlyequal rightsethicalethical fashionethical fashion newsethical giftethical giftsfair tradefair trade accessfair trade accessoriesfair trade baby productsFair Trade Chocolatefair trade fashionfair trade fashion newsfair trade flairfair trade funFair trade giftsfair trade home goodsfair trade homegoodsfair trade jewelryfair trade winter accessoriesfair trade winter fashionfair tuesdayfairtradeFashionfashion for goodFavoritesfeltfelt flowersflowerflowersget the lookGGPgiftgift for momgift guidegiftsgifts for hergifts for teensgifts that give backgirls educationglamourglitterglitter clutchglobal goalsGlobal Goods Partnersglobal healthGlobal Women in Leadershiphand sewnhand stitchedhand-pouredhandicraftsHandmadeHandmade Craftshandwovenholidayholiday gift guideholiday giftsholiday gifts for herholiday gifts for teensHoliday PicksHolidayshomehome goodshomegoodshosthost giftshostesshostess giftshuman rightshuman slaveryhuman tradehuman traffickingikatindigenousinspirationInstagramjessica alba fashionjewelleryjewelryjournaljournalsjusticelayerslifeliving wageliving wagesnatural dyesnew york citynutrition braceletnycpigpiggypop of colorpresentpresentsprogressiverecycledrecycled materialsrecycled tirerecycled tire walletrecycled tiresrefugeesromanceromanticScarfscarvesShoppingsilksilk journalsilk scarfsilk scarvesslaveryslow fashionslow fashion newssnappysocial goodsocial justicesocially consciousStory of Stuffstuffed animalstuffed animalsstyleSupportSupporterssustainabilitysustainablesustainable fashionsustainable fashion newssweatersweater weathertextiletextile tuesdaytraffickingtrafficking in personstransparencytransparenttransparent supply chaintransparent supply chainstraveltravel accessoriestravel productstravelertrendsTwitterUnited Nations Foundationunjust economic systemsValentine's DayValentinesDaywinterwinter accessorieswinter fashionwinter scarfwomenwomen's conferenceWomen's empowermentwomensempowermentwovenwoven products
Fair Trade Valentine's Day

Fair Trade Valentine's Day

While everyday is an opportunity to show you care, Valentine's Day is the perfect day to surprise a loved one with a little something extra. This year, why not choose to give a fair trade gift, and make a difference...

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