What does Fair Trade mean in a recession? Sending kids to schools, not factories
For all you Fair Trade skeptics, and for those of you who need some reaffirmation, I highly recommend perusing a recent photo essay released by Foreign Policy magazine. The essay provides important insight into the state of child labor around the world, and sends a clear reminder that the alternative to Fair Trade is often grim, oppressive and dangerous.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="As the recession hits the developing world, child labor is on the rise"][/caption]
Thanks, Foreign Policy, for revealing the effects of the global recession on the world’s children, and for giving us a potent reminder that a purchase is not just a purchase.
When you buy Fair Trade, you’re giving a living wage to parents so children are sent to schools—not factories.
July 07 2022
And, THANK YOU for sending us a potent reminder that a purchase is not just a purchase and that, if we’re suffering, it’s NOTHING compared to the suffering of the children and families in the developing world who must survive on less than $2 US dollars per day.
July 07 2022
And, THANK YOU for sending us a potent reminder that a purchase is not just a purchase and that, if we’re suffering, it’s NOTHING compared to the suffering of the children and families in the developing world who must survive on less than $2 US dollars per day.
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