Jennifer Gootman adds to Catchafire!
Catchafire is a for-profit social mission business that connects professions who want to volunteer their skills with nonprofit organizations. To do so, Catchafire meets with nonprofits to discuss and determine short-term, individual-based projects. With this information, they set up nonprofits and professionals based on skills, common interests, and other logistical factor.
Global Goods Partners (GGP) has decided to join the Catchafire network in seeking a skills-based volunteer to conduct a Market Analysis for Organizations with Earned Income Streams. Jennifer Gootman, GGP's new Director of Product and Business Development, met with Catchafire to discuss the idea and importance of Market Analysis for nonprofit organizations.
Please visit the Catchafire blog to read all about GGP's motivation and goals with this Strategy Project. You can also watch a video of Jennifer speaking about her cause on Catchafire's vimeo.
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