#FairTuesday Fair Holiday Gifts Pinterest Contest

By - November 06 2013


Maya Vasquez
July 07 2022

What an amazing movement, great way for the conscious shopper to help those in need and be able to give the gifts your family, friends and kids will love! This movement is also a great way to teach others on how other countries depend on things like these products to develop and live. Xx, Maya

Cali Davis
July 07 2022

I love this contest! Thank you for showing people how fun fair trade shopping can be. Here is a link to my board:


Elizabeth Langston
July 07 2022

Thanks! http://www.pinterest.com/altchar/fair-holiday-gifts/

Jennifer Kim
July 07 2022

This was the most heartwarming experience! It was really moving reading about where all these products are made from and the missions that are supported through the sales of these goods. I loved being exposed to all these new sites, such as the Given Goods Company! Thank you! Happy Holidays!


Jennifer Kim
July 07 2022

I don’t know if the time stamp is incorrect, but it is currently November 26, 2013 10:30PM EST. Thank you.

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